We warmly invite you to experience for yourself this imperfect, humble community of Biblically-faithful Christ-followers, who are being equipped and inspired to love one another with the love of Jesus!

Sundays 11am
Join us for our Sunday service at 11am. We can't wait to meet you!

Sundays 11am
Our wonderful teachers use the solid, Biblically-based curriculum to equip and inspire our children to love and follow Jesus and lead others to Him.

Thursdays 7pm - 8:30pm
Our students are active, fun-loving and involved, as they build relationships with one another...and most of all Jesus.

Give & receive PANTRY
An opportunity to donate non-perishable food and personal items. You can take what you need as well. This is a ministry we can all participate in! “Freely you have received; freely give.” – Jesus (Matthew 10:8)

1on1 movement
To date, 407 leaders in 44 countries have asked to become part of the 1on1 Movement to receive our 1on1 Church videos, notes and graphics each week. We introduce these leaders and their ministries to our congregation during our services and ask our entire church to pray for their needs. We also provide ministry guidance and personal counsel to these dedicated leaders.